How to Fix api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll Error on Your PC

As annoying as it is, every tech user’s experience errors at some point. Errors are feedback prompts that alert a user when a problem needs to be fixed before proceeding with certain actions. In this article, we will do a deep dive into how to fix the api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll error that occurs on Windows PC. This glitch occurs because of a missing DLL file in the program file of the application you are trying to operate. You can opt for an api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll download as the fastest means of resolving this issue. Below are two repair methods explained in detail.
Repair Methods
i. Install a New DLL File
The first way you can overcome this error is by going onto your browser and searching the DLL file on your preferred search engine. Look for a trustworthy website, then click on it and scroll down to download the file. You should see the option to download either a 32-bit file or a 64-bit file. If your computer is a 32-bit file, download the 32-bit file. However, if your computer is a 64-bit computer, ensure you download both 32-bit and 64-bit files.
Once you have the files, navigate your local hard drive, open the Windows file, and search for the file, either written System32 or SysWOW64. For the user with a 32bit PC, paste the file into the System 32 file, and you will be good to go. If you are a 64bit user, paste the 64-bit file into the SysWOW64 file, then paste the 32bit file into the System 32 file. Once you are done, restart the computer and try loading the program that initially prompted the error message.
ii. Download Visual C++ Redistributable
For the second method, go onto you’re your search engine and look up Visual C++ Redistributable software. Once you get it, ensure you download one that suits your PC Bit capacity. If you have a PC that uses 64-bit, download it, and install the software directly. Suppose you have a PC that uses 32-bit, download the designated files, and do the same. Once you have done this, ensure you restart your PC. The error should not appear since the missing file will now be present.
Sometimes errors may prove to be bothersome and annoying. However, a quick Google search of the error will be of great help to any user. Avoid seeking help and getting charged for a simple exercise that costs you nothing but a little bit of patience and research.